Policies/Procedures Development
Recommendations regarding library policies and operations may originate from staff, customers, community members, consultants, Board members and the Director. All recommendations will be acted on by Administration in an orderly process and will be examined according to the mission and goals of the library. Final action on recommendations will be made by the Library Board of Trustees. The Board will take action on most matters based on the recommendations of the Director of the Library system. The Director will base the recommendations on the results of careful study, research, investigation and deliberation, upon the judgments and opinions of the professional staff and other staff members.
Additions, deletions, amendments or changes to the language of any policy shall be approved by majority vote of the board members present, either by voice vote or by roll call vote when required by law or Roberts Rules of Order, at a regular meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose.
However, from time to time, errors in regards to grammar and spelling, name or terminology changes, or changes in technical information (Ex. telephone numbers, approved occupancy, title changes, contact information, etc.) may be discovered. These may be corrected by the Library Director without prior board approval as long as the intention and language of the policy remain unchanged. These minor corrections shall not be considered changes to the policy.
Library Board Policies are subject to Library Board approval and affect general organization considerations such as hours of operation, fines and fees, salaries, etc.
Administrative Policies are established by the Library Director and generally affect internal library matters such as staff orientation, who to call in case of any emergency, where to park, etc.
Library Procedures, also approved by the Library Director, describe how to perform various library operations such as ordering books, preparing overdue notices, closing the library, etc.
In general, a policy defines what is done and perhaps why it is done. A procedure explains how something is done.
Staff Involvement in Decision Making
Staff participation in matters of the library is important if the library system is to improve the quality of services that the library system provides to the community. The board and administration will make every effort to work with staff to maintain mutual confidence and respect and to work together to improve our library system. All staff will be encouraged to express ideas, concerns, and opinions about the library and its services. From time to time, staff may be invited to offer input in such matters as: clarifying and establishing procedures and regulations to help implement library policies; developing policies and procedures under which the library is to be managed; solving a specific problem or concerns of the library system; and/or evaluating the extent to which these purposes and services are being achieved by the present policies and procedures.
The Board and Administration will use their best judgment in arriving at the best decisions for the benefit of the whole library system and community.