PURPOSE: This policy permits the Director of the Ashtabula County District Library to designate employees to work at alternate non-ACDL agency work locations for all or part of their workweek to promote general work efficiencies. Telecommuting is a work arrangement in which some or all of the work is performed at a work site such as the home or in an office near the home.
The Director is responsible for managing the affairs and operations of library services; thus, the library has sole discretion to designate positions for telecommuting, and to approve employees to telecommute. Any ACDL MLIS-level employee is eligible to work under the Telecommuting Policy.
Conditions of Employment: Telecommuting assignment does not change the conditions of employment or the requirement of compliance with library policies. At the onset, the library and the employee should work to agree mutually to telecommuting arrangements. However, the library may establish telecommuting as a condition of employment, based on the library's needs.
The library may terminate the telecommuting agreement at its discretion. Although, as much as possible, the library will make an effort to give employees notice if a decision is made to terminate a telecommuting agreement, advance notice is not required.
Compensation and Benefits: An employee's compensation and benefits will not change because of telecommuting.
Hours of Work: The total number of hours that employees are expected to work will not change, despite work location. Employees agree to apply themselves to their work during work hours.
The library will ensure that procedures are in place to document the work hours of employees who telecommute, particularly to ensure compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Telecommuting is not intended to serve as a substitute for child or adult care. If children or adults in need of primary care are in the alternate work location during employees' work hours, some other individual must be present to provide the care.
Use of Leave: Telecommuting is not intended to be used for sick leave or other types of leave. However, the library may determine whether it is appropriate to offer telecommuting as an opportunity for partial or full return to work based on the library's policy and the criteria normally applied to decisions regarding the approval of telecommuting.
Equipment and Materials: Normally, the employee will provide equipment and materials needed to perform their duties. However, where agreements specify, employees may be authorized to use library equipment.
Employees are responsible for protecting library-owned equipment from theft, damage and unauthorized use.
Employee-Owned Equipment: When employees are authorized to use their own equipment, the library will not assume responsibility for its cost of equipment, repair, or service.
Costs Associated with Telecommuting: The library is not obligated to assume responsibility for operating costs, home maintenance, or other costs incurred by employees in the use of their homes as telecommuting alternate work locations.
The library will not use library funds to: pay for leased telephone lines in employee's alternate work location install; provide basic telephone service in employees' alternate work locations; provide cell phones to employees for library use; provide funds for library-related long distance, internet access or modem use.
Library Information and Security: Employees must safeguard library information used or accessed while telecommuting.
The Director must grant permission for employees to work on restricted-access information or materials at alternate work locations.
Employees must agree to follow library-approved security procedures to ensure confidentiality and security of data.