World Book Timelines

World Book Timelines

World Book Timelines offers hundreds of pre-generated timelines across eight broad topics, which cover various time periods in history or span the life of historical public figures. Users can also create their own timelines from scratch, adding events, descriptions, and media.

Timelines feature a variety of topics and subjects to span the curriculum and interests of all ages including:

Continents, countries, and regions
Notable people
Science and technology
Sports and games
Systems and institutions
The Arts
World History
Similar to featured articles on Kids, Student, or Advanced, the Timelines home page also features timelines. These may be timely topics– for example, in February, you may see a timeline that highlights the Academy Awards for best picture from each year. Or they may be related to certain people, countries, or events. Click or tap on those featured to be taken to that timeline. From there, users can edit it and/or save it to their My World Book account.

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